Discover your dream home at the heart of a suburban oasis, in an idyllic gated community that blends seamlessly with nature.

{ context": "", type": "RealEstateListing", url": "", name": "Emaar Properties for Sale, description": "Explore Emaar's world-class real estate developments, properties, and vibrant lifestyle offerings. Properties for sale in Mina Rashid, Valley, Dubai Creek Harbour, Dubai Hills. Emaar offers off-plan investment properties, apartments, villas and townhouses in Dubai", datePosted": " 2023-12-20T10:00:00+01:00", leaseLength": { "QuantitativeValue", "value": 12, "unitText": "months", }, }
Discover your dream home at the heart of a suburban oasis, in an idyllic gated community that blends seamlessly with nature.
Nestled in The Valley, Alana is more than just a gated community – it’s a commitment to sustainability and an ode to natural sanctuaries.
Like an oasis in the middle of Dubai’s most exclusive desert farming destination, the Farm Gardens.
Elora is all about you, your family, and your friends enjoying life to the fullest. Elora has 3 and 4-bedroom townhouses.
The Valley’s third neighbourhood of elegant townhouses – TALIA comprises stylish, family-friendly homes connected to nature.
Imagine your life in a gated community brimming with life and positive energy, in a home that will inspire a life of joy and harmony with your family.